(Mondays and Thursdays for the summer session.) For specific dates, please see the ground school page. The classes are taught in the evening beginning at 7:00 PM and are typically on Wednesday evenings. The ZOOM invitation url will be posted on the home page a few days before the class is scheduled to begin. Whereīecause of COVID 19, until further notice, this ground school class will be held via ZOOM. Other instructors include the Club’s Chief Flight Instructor, George Scheer and other FAA certified instructors. He has been teaching aviation courses for over 40 years both at the Club and in an airline environment. John is an experienced pilot and holds numerous FAA certifications.

Your principal instructor for this course will be John Hunter. However, given the enthusiasm of the students and instructors, it has always been a fun and rewarding experience for all! Instructors It is thorough and both practical and theory based. This is a 48-hour course (16 3-hour classes) including subject material given as a full-credit at some major universities. *** Please read below what others have said about this ground school*** Serious Training Learning is enhanced by the sharing of experiences by others who are slightly more advanced in their training and who have the unique perspective of a student pilot. There are typically 30 students in this class young and older, men and women.

Navigation Fundamentals plus Radio and GPS Navigation.Safety, Decision-Making, Judgment, and Common Errors.Flight Fitness and Medical Considerations.Engines and Structures (Hands-On in the Maintenance Hangar).Not only will this course cover all of the FAA-mandated subject material for the Private Pilot, we will also take an in-depth look at safety and operational issues.