- #File save location neck diagrams how to
- #File save location neck diagrams install
- #File save location neck diagrams download
Fixed a problem where a copied fretboard could have its state corrupted, triggering a chain of errors.Prevented an error occurring when right-clicking over a fretboard header or footer to use the Arrange options.Disallowed the creation of connections to the fretboard header or footer text.when moving a note marker to an edge string on a fretboard using a custom note marker size setting Fixed a number of scenarios that could cause a fretboard to shift/resize unexpectedly, e.g.The fretboard ‘Use custom size’ checkbox setting is now correctly saved & restored.Fret marker dots/ovals are now correctly centred and not offset when a fretboard has an odd number of strings.select notes on matching strings across different fretboards.select the same interval on different fretboards, even if different underlying notes.select the same note on different fretboards.Enhanced the note marker selection menu options to work not only for single fretboards but across multiple selected fretboards.The caveat is that you’ll need to use the ‘Adjust font size’ option to make the text fit – it’s not yet automatic.This allows entering of two enharmonics together, e.g.The 3 character limit for custom labels has been increased to 7 characters.

X, O, and T symbols in the Legend Label Row.X and O added as fingering options, so can now have e.g.Throw down in either SHMUP-style space missions dripping with retro nostalgia or take the thinking man’s approach and duke it out on the ground with dynamicturn-based combat.
#File save location neck diagrams install
#File save location neck diagrams download

#File save location neck diagrams how to
(*) The folder may not appear until you have made your first Save Game How to Install a Save File? Linux Save File Location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ Subverse\Saved\SaveGames\

Windows Save File Location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ Subverse\Saved\SaveGames\